Connection types and charger configurations

We expect most connections under programmes for high volume low voltage on street infrastructure, such as LEVI, to fall into the below 4 categories. Given the focus within LEVI on cost effectiveness measured by numbers of charge points deployed, we expect the majority of connections to fall into either 1. Existing unmetered supply, or 3. Three phase connection up to 69kVA.

Relevant LV Connection Types & Associated Charger Configurations under LEVI or equivalent

As you increase the capacity requirements of your chargers, and move through these types of connection from 1 – 4 you will increase costs, as well as likelihood that a network study, or network reinforcement will be required.

of these 4 types, we expect most connections will fall into 1. Existing unmetered supply, or 3. New three phase connection upto 69kVA. This is based on the following information: