Connection type Typical prices (excl.VAT) Typical lead-time from receipt of payment Install PME £130.51 to make an existing PME terminal available
£175.51 to make a new PME terminal available (usually requires a cut-out change)
3-4 weeks Install 1ph isolator
£212.60 3-4 weeks Install 3ph isolator
£294.94 3-4 weeks Connection type Typical time to receive a quotation Typical price (excl.VAT) Typical lead-time from payment to connection Domestic service alteration (based on an underground service alteration with NGED carrying out excavation and reinstatement)
4 days £2,600 6 weeks Apply online here Connection type Typical time to receive a quotation (working days) Typical price (excl.VAT) Typical lead-time from offer acceptance and payment to connection 1 domestic connection 4 days £2,500 8 weeks Up to 4 domestic connections
8 days £7,000 8 weeks Over 4 domestic connections (based on 5 typical connections with service works only)
12 days £15,000 10 weeks Typical small business connection
(up to 69kVA)
8 days £6,000 8 weeks Multiple small business connections (based on 2 typical connections with low voltage service works only)
12 days Price on request / application 8+ weeks Typical large business connection (HV)
30 days Price on request / application 20+ weeks Extra high voltage connection
60 days Price on request / application 2+ years Unmetered new connections (excluding Local Authority & PFI)
12 days Price on request / application 8+ weeks